Accueil > Jeux Vidéo > MiDriPod
Loading Kernel...
Loading Context Information:
Current Time: 21/11/8457 23:57:06
Total Travelled Depth: 21.247 km
Vertical Digging Speed: 12.7 m/s
Estimated Time of Arrival: [UNKNOWN]
Loading Basic Input/Output System:
Move: Arrow Keys
Mine: Space
Loading Historical Reminder:
Surface mineral resources have long been exhausted.
The DWARVEN MINING CONSORTIUM [DwaMiCo] holds several deep subterarean sectors.
You are an AI - COMMANDER OF MINING EXPEDITION [CoMinEx], Id #4129, belonging to DwaMiCo.
Your goal is to explore deep sectors held by DwaMiCo.
I am an AI - MINING DRILL POD [MiDriPod], Id #714, driving you to your next goal: [UNKNOWN].
Your mission is to gather minerals and bring them to me.
New features: